A downloadable game

In the year 20XX, humans are no more and mother nature reclaims man’s domain. Animals are free to rule the Earth once more, but without humans reigning supreme, a new apex species must be decided. Embracing the vehicular technology and few noble dogmas from this extinct species, animals from all around the world come together to compete for the title of Apex. It doesn’t matter if you are herbivore or a carnivore; through the power of transportation, any animal has a shot at the throne. Are you smart enough, skilled enough and most importantly: WILD enough to be on top? Find out in Project Wild Thingz!

Collect power-ups scattered across the arena and use the randomly assigned weapons to defeat your opponents for points. The player with the most points wins the match. 

*Now includes experimental physics-based AI and movement option!*


This 6-person team project was created for a university assignment over a span of three months with an additional month spent afterwards for polishing. It is a rough proof of concept and showcases the work that each respective team member produced for this project.


While the game has some controller functionality, it currently only supports keyboard and mouse. Use WASD to move your character and press the LMB to fire your weapon. Pause the game with ESCAPE


Alex - 3D Modeler & Animator 

Ben - Lead Programmer & AI Engineer

Bruno - Gameplay Programmer

Joshua - Project Lead

Luca - 3D Modeler & Character Rigger

Saw See - Environment Artist & 3D Modeler


Wild Thingz Build 7.zip 76 MB

Install instructions

Simply download the zip folder and unzip contents to your preferred location. Run the 'Wild Thingz' executable from the unzipped folder and have fun! Make sure you keep the files together in the same folder and do not rename the executable.